Lifetime often meets adoptive parents in the middle of their journeys to parenthood, at a crossroad where loss—of a dream, of a...
Adoption Stories
When You Know It’s Meant to Be: Brandon & Megan’s Adoption Story
New adoptive mom, Megan, shares how she went from one of the hardest milestones to one of the happiest, all in a matter of...
Talking About Adoption With Your Child
Hopeful adoptive parents go through so much to prepare for the process to become ready to adopt. What about preparing for life...
Jason & Ally’s Adoption Story: From Grieving to Hope for the Future
Lifetime often meets adoptive parents in the middle of their journeys to parenthood, at a crossroad where loss—of a dream, of a...
When You Know It’s Meant to Be: Brandon & Megan’s Adoption Story
New adoptive mom, Megan, shares how she went from one of the hardest milestones to one of the happiest, all in a matter of...
Talking About Adoption With Your Child
Hopeful adoptive parents go through so much to prepare for the process to become ready to adopt. What about preparing for life...
Kerri’s Story of Open Adoption
Most adoptive parents have an idea of what they think their adoption will or “should” look like....
Panel of Adoptive Dads Answer Questions
Adoptive dads have an important role through the adoption process, and they often have a unique...
A Birth Mom & Adoptive Mom’s Open Adoption
Tune in and hear a beautiful story of open adoption, as told by one baby boy's adoptive mother and...
Adoption Q&A – Parent-to-Parent
It's helpful for future adoptive parents to learn from people who have successfully moved through...
Embracing Adoption After Infertility, with Mardie Caldwell
Hopeful adoptive parents will be encouraged and motivated hearing adoption expert and adoptive mom...
Alan & Rebekah’s Story
Alan and Rebekah's adoption story is a classic example of waiting for the right match and how to...
Q&A on Transracial Adoption
Every hopeful adoptive parent will have to decide what preferences, or search criteria, to pursue...
Embracing Open Adoption: Jess & Kevin’s Adoption Story
When it comes to open adoption, perhaps you've heard yourself or another say "I get why open...
What to Expect When Baby Arrives
In this webinar Lifetime's director answers the most-asked questions about bringing your baby home...